Fellow HOTC Owners, There is a meeting of the board of directors scheduled for Tuesday, February 24th at 7:00 PM EST via teleconference. Members wishing to attend should contact Sara at the hotel to arrange payment of the nominal per-user conference call fee and get the call details. Mitch Loftus Sec’y B of D, HOTC
There is a meeting of the board of directors scheduled via teleconference for 6:00 PM CDT on Tuesday April 10th. Members wishing to attend should contact Sara at the Hotel to pay the nominal fee to offset the per-person teleconference charge and get the specifics for the call.
There is a teleconference board meeting now set for 6:00 PM CST on Tuesday, November 15th. Those wishing to attend should contact Sara at the hotel to pay the nominal fee to help offset the Hi-Def conferencing per-attendee charge, and get the call-in number and ID. Due to the severe problems we’ve had with Skype […]