Happy Holidays to all HOTC Owners from the Board. Please read our December newsletter with updates on maintenance projects as well as reports on finance, marketing and from the Board of Directors. Happy New Year!
Please read our October 2010 Newsletter with a hurricane update, beach clean-up update and reports from finance, board of directors and finance. October 2010 HOTC Newsletter
The Board of Directors have established a schedule of on-going board meetings that go through June 2011. The board will meet on the 2nd Thursday of every other month starting in October at 7pm Eastern Time (6pm Central Time). The next meeting dates are: October 14, 2010 December 9, 2011 February 10, 2011 April 14, […]
Sorry for the short notice, but we had to move up the time of the board meeting to accommodate everyone’s schedule. We apologize for this short notice and will make sure we can provide more advance notice for future meetings. The board meeting will be held this evening at 7pm Eastern Time, 6pm Central Time. […]
Our general manager, Lindsay Houston, will be holding a weekly meeting with owners and guests every Tuesday from 10am-11am.