If you did not recently receive an email saying that you will receive future electronic versions of our newsletter, then please follow this link to add your email address to our list. Add or Manage Your Email Address By adding your email address and receiving the newsletter only by email, you help us save money […]
We did find an archive of the April 2003 newsletter that mentions the desire of the board to vote on proposed changes to the bylaws to amend the quorum requirement at the annual meeting. In the June 2003 newsletter that covered the meeting and vote results, it stated that not enough ballots were received to […]
Our new website is complete, and went live Aug 14, 2010!
Owners who are fully paid up and their friends are encouraged to take advantage of our Extra Holiday Package, available between March 21 and December 18, 2009. By paying the maintenance fee(s) for an available room, you may have that room for that week OR you can bank it with RCI!!!! That means you can […]