There is a teleconference board meeting now set for 6:00 PM CST on Tuesday, November 15th. Those wishing to attend should contact Sara at the hotel to pay the nominal fee to help offset the Hi-Def conferencing per-attendee charge, and get the call-in number and ID. Due to the severe problems we’ve had with Skype […]
To accommodate board member schedules, the usual 2nd Thursday board meeting in October is being postponed until sometime after October 26th. Stay tuned for more exact info when it become available.
We have had some inquiries about the plan to “reward” those members who voluntarily paid in the $250 special assessment that was needed to keep the hotel open a couple years ago. As many members know, we had developed and put forth a plan to reduce the maintenance fees of those who did make payment […]
Download our July 2011 Newsletter in color (1mb)
There is a teleconference board meeting scheduled for Tuesday September 13th at 7:00 PM EASTERN time. The usual procedure will apply. I think we are still allowing Skype at this time, although it SEEMS to have been troublesome the last few meetings. Or, at least we PRESUME that is where the trouble is coming from… […]