Fellow HOTC Owners, There is a meeting of the board of directors scheduled for Tuesday, February 24th at 7:00 PM EST via teleconference. Members wishing to attend should contact Sara at the hotel to arrange payment of the nominal per-user conference call fee and get the call details. Mitch Loftus Sec’y B of D, HOTC
The 2014 annual meeting of timeshare owners and election of directors will be held in the conference room at Hotel on the Cay at 3:00 PM local time on Friday, June 6th. All timeshare owners are invited to attend. Hotel rooms will be made available to owners at a rate of $79 per night (discounted […]
There is a meeting of the board of directors scheduled for 6:00 PM CDT on Thursday, April 24th via teleconference. Those wishing to attend should contact Sara at the Hotel to pay the nominal per-user conference fee and get the call-in details.
There is a meeting of the board of directors scheduled for Tuesday, March 11th 2014 at 6:00 PM CDT via teleconference. Those wishing to attend should contact Sara at the Hotel to pay the nominal per-user teleconference fee and get the call details. 3/3/14 – This meeting has been postponed. Probably next week Tuesday […]
A meeting of the board of directors is scheduled for 7:00 PM EST (6:00 PM CST) on Wednesday, January 29th via teleconference. Members wishing to attend should contact Sara at the hotel to pay the nominal per-user conference fee and get the call details.