Fortunately, Hurricane Earl decided to move to the north, but St. Croix and Protestant Cay were still battered with tropical storm force winds. This has left a lot of debris to clean up. We had one uprooted tree. The power continues to fluctuate, but at least we have power. Some areas of the island are […]
The following FY2011 budget was approved at the August 31st board meeting, which goes from October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011. HOTC Budget Fiscal Year 2011
You can download the ballot for the By-Law Changes that the board is requesting the membership to approve. The issue has been the difficulty in obtaining a quorum for our elections required by our current by-laws. We are recommending that we change the definition of a registered voter based on the number who voted in […]
Approved on 9/21/2010 August 31, 2010 Board Meeting Minutes
Skype access is available for our board meetings and I want to thank those owners that brought up that fact. Those wishing to access the conference call through Skype, a VOIP service from your computer, can click this link or dial from Skype: +9900827045467218. This service is free. You will be placed on mute when you […]