Skype Access to Board Meetings
Skype access is available for our board meetings and I want to thank those owners that brought up that fact.
Those wishing to access the conference call through Skype, a VOIP service from your computer, can click this link or dial from Skype: +9900827045467218. This service is free.
You will be placed on mute when you join the call. If you have a question or a comment, you can “raise your hand” by dialing *9 which will send a signal to the moderator.
Note that Skype version 3.8 has been tested and is recommended. Skype version 4 is not supported and will not work.
Owners wishing to attend using their phone should contact Sara at the front desk (1-800-524-2035) to request access details for the meeting and provide your payment information. The cost to attend via conference bridge is $0.10/minute with a 1 hour minimum. Typical cost is $6-$9 for a 1-1.5 hour meeting.
When accessing the board meeting through Skype, we will need a ‘conference room number’. Hi-Def Conference 1-888-350-0075 was the number to be dialed through Skype last time followed by the conference room number 5467218. Is this still the correct conference room number? If so it is free if called from the computer.
I’m sure you’ll agree that we need to encourage more owner involvement in our hotel and making board meetings available is one way to do that. Perhaps at some point the hotel will feel financially able to pay the small Skype tab for those owners wishing to attend board meetings.
I’m not 100% sure about this yet, but from the Skype website it APPEARS that there may be a 25 person limit on Skype conferences. It doesn’t seem like this would be a big issue right now, but at some point it could be a limitation.
One other thing … if you don’t already have it, you need to download the Skype application software before the link Mike provided will work. It can be downloaded (no charge) at
One more one more thing: The current version of Skype seems to be 4.2 – the 3.8 version is apparently … um, “elderly” and may not be available (I can’t find it right off hand…) so if the 4.2 version really won’t work, it may not be possible to access this meeting via Skype at this time.
That concern with the Skype version was given by HiDef, however perhaps your current version will work. I had someone test it with a Mac version and it worked.
If you are using Skype, you just need to dial +9900827045467218. This will be free. If you call an 888 number and a conference room number, even if on Skype, we are charged for that access.